EU family permit

The EEA Family Permit is now ending. Anyone that was living in the UK prior to 31st December 2020 should now take steps to apply for pre-settled or settled status before 30th June 2021 to continue living in the UK. This is known as an EU Settlement Scheme application.

You can apply for an EU Settlement Scheme family permit to come to the UK if all the following apply:

  1. You are the eligible family member of an EU, EEA or Swiss Citizen.
  2. Your family relationship began by 31st December 2020.
  3. Your family member was living in the UK by 31st December 2020.
  4. Your family member is in the UK already or travelling with you to the UK within 6 months of this application.

Eligible family members for the purpose of point 1 are your spouse, civil partner or unmarried partner, your child or grandchild under the age of 21, your dependent child or grandchild of any age and your dependent parent or grandparent.

The person that you are joining must be one of the following:

  • An EU, EEA or Swiss national
  • A person of Northern Island
  • Someone who lived in the UK as an EU, EEA or Swiss national before getting British Citizenship.
  • An EU, EEA or Swiss national who is exempt from immigration control.
  • An EU, EEA or Swiss national who travels to work in the UK but lives outside of the UK.
  • A British citizen who has dual EU, EEA or Swiss nationality and was settled in the UK before 16th July 2012.


  • Make sure you provide your British family member’s valid passport.
  • Provide documents proving that you and your family member have lived together in another country.
  • Provide evidence that shows your family member meets the financial requirement.


  • Do not underestimate the complexity of this application.
  • Do not forget a detailed cover letter to accompany your application.
  • Do not fail to prove dependency.
  • Do not forget to evidence your relationship with your family member.

The EU Regulations can be difficult to navigate and can be confusing to individuals as each case is different and should be taken on its own individual facts and merits. Applicants must meet certain requirements and criteria and will need to support their application with a range of supporting documents.

Kalsi Solicitors has extensive experience in assisting EU nationals and their family members in making applications under the EU Settlement Scheme complying with EU regulations. We ensure that all applications are vetted very carefully prior to submission. Our team have expert knowledge in these applications and can guide you correctly to ensure a positive result. At Kalsi Solicitors, we have no desire to provide dishonest advice – if we do not feel your application will be successful, we will tell you and help you find another route.

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